
Hi mom!

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If you’ve been reading since the beginning, you will know that I wrote a very heart-wrenching post about my childhood and my strained relationship with my mother. Since then, I have rekindled my relationship with her. So here is an updated post about my mom.

As I’ve grown, one of the hardest things to come to terms with is that our parents are human. They have their own faults, struggles, mental illness, etc. They are growing as humans just like we are. It’s a weird concept to accept and I’m not sure why.

My first therapist I went to as an adult told me not to blame my mother, she was abused too. Wow. What. It’s such an easy concept but I was so busy playing the victim I forgot that she was one too.

And as I openly struggle with mental health issues, both of my parents have their own struggles as well.

So here I am, as a 25 year old adult. Childless. Only mentioning this because I’m pretty sure my mom had either me or my brother at this age and I can’t even IMAGINE having a kid now. I’m still a kid. Accepting and loving my mother.

Here’s what she excels at:

-Loving me and my sister but loving my brother more (favorite child)

-Gift giving and her love for Christmas

-Calming me down from panic attacks.

-Pep talks when you’re feeling down

-Honoring your emotions and mental illness

-Putting people in their place. ESPECIALLY if they fuck with her child.

-Listening to me complain about anything (please stay tuned for a “I didn’t get in to grad school” post. I’m not ready to write it now because the wound is STINGING)

-Making spaghetti (she puts wine in the sauce and it’s yummy)

-Having fun and making sure she creates fun experiences for her children when they are together



I love you mom.




Depressed for the holidays

Image result for holidays arent happy for everyone

I’m sure everyone has seen the Charlie Brown Christmas special. Charlie is depressed because Christmas doesn’t seem to have a meaning. He is feeling down while everyone else is feeling happy and he doesn’t know why…

When I first saw that clip, I related so much to Charlie Brown. They then go on and say it’s because you need to celebrate Christ and blah blah blah. I’ve tried very hard to to believe in God and it’s just not for me. (I support you in your beliefs please support me and my non/beliefs)

Charlie falls in love with Christmas at the end. And I never have.

Besides the obvious trauma of divorced parents, abusive step father, toxic relationships with family members, and growing up poor…I can’t pinpoint why I get depressed on the holidays.

As long as I can remember, I’d finish opening my presents and feel empty. As a kid, I could not pinpoint this emotion and did not know how to express it to others. I, as a people pleasing child, and still am as an adult, did not want anyone to think I was sad. God forbid people thought I wasn’t thankful for my gifts or happy to see my family… I would play with my toys and continue life as a child, but still felt that empty feeling.

It wasn’t until high school that I realized this trend. I expressed it to my father and my step-mother (who is a whole other story and I can’t believe I’ve never written about her). Of course, that didn’t end well. My dad, who was in a toxic relationship himself, did not handle the situation well. I remember crying on the kitchen floor, confused why everyone was mad at me because I said “I hate Christmas.” Didn’t they realize I was mad at myself for this too? The happiest time of the year and I’m miserable for no reason.

I try. Every year I try so hard. I decorate my tree, listen to Christmas music, go all out on gift giving and baking and trying so hard to be thankful…but it doesn’t matter. December 25th rolls around and I’m in such a deep depression. I feel empty inside while everyone else is joyful. I lay in my bed and avoid the world.

The past few years, I’ve been celebrating Christmas on different days in hopes to not spend the day in my bed. This year I celebrated the day after Thanksgiving with my dad, brother and boyfriend. I work Christmas eve and the day after. I’m hoping to not get depressed. But I know I will.

I expect it every year.

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season.



body image

What’s wrong with being fat?

Art by Lim Heng Swee

Hello loves!

As promised, I will be writing about my weight. This will most likely happen many, many times… so buckle up.

I’ve been heavy since I can remember. I recently found pictures of me as a toddler where I was eating a box of animal crackers with my chubby little body… standing next to my string bean brother. I was always the biggest and tallest in class. In 5th grade I was 5 feet tall and 130 pounds and just kept growing.

I didn’t look like everyone else. I didn’t look like my cousins or my mom or my brother… I had a belly that would hang over my pants and couldn’t shop in the children’s section. Everyone saw this as a problem. My elementary gym teacher recommended I do 100 sit ups a night and eat less to get healthy.


When I would visit family in Texas my brother would get dessert and I wouldn’t be allowed. Everyone would get spaghetti for dinner and I’d be given a salad.

Doctors, teachers, peers, and even my family couldn’t help but criticize my weight. If everyone saw it as a problem… why didn’t I?

It wasn’t until 8th grade I started hating myself. Along with cutting myself I began “testing out” various eating disorders. I couldn’t make myself throw up and I couldn’t NOT eat for a few days. But I could eat a small meal a day and then go on the elliptical.

Why wasn’t I losing weight? I was doing what everyone said… I stopped eating… I was exercising… why was I still fat?

I continued to engage in this type of behavior until I was 21. I still ate minimally but I no longer had access to gym equipment. Barely eating and NOT exercising caused me to gain more weight.

I kept growing and growing and growing and I didn’t know why. I still don’t know why. I starved myself. I over exercised. I counted calories and read nutritional labels and only drank water and I was still fat…

I started going to a therapist for body image issues last year.

My therapist IMMEDIATELY set me straight. What was the point of weighing less? How would that make me a better person? Will that make me happy?

I told her that my doctor says I’m unhealthy because of BMI. There’s so many “possible” issues that could be caused by having a BMI of 31.

What I’ve learned is that it doesn’t matter. BMI is a number made by a mathematician and holds no actual value. Think of a 6 foot tall 300 pound man. His BMI is over 40 and is classified as “morbidly obese.” Now imagine that same man who is classified as obese is a football player. Kind of doesn’t make sense does it? To base your health on a ratio of height and weight and nothing else??

Unfortunately, my therapist moved away. We were making progress and she left. I haven’t found anyone like her… anyone who understands what it’s like to try everything only to be met with more criticism.

But I feel okay. Thanks to her and intuitive eating I feel okay. I move my body to feel good. I eat foods that make me feel good. I’ve continued to gain weight but it’s okay. I’ll buy new clothes, love my body for holding all my organs, and continue my day.

But I ask you… if I’m happy with myself… if I’m healthy by all accounts accept BMI… why does being fat bother you so much?


positive · Uncategorized


Image result for new year

Hello my faithful readers ( I know that is like three of you but I appreciate you).

I know I’m slightly early for new year’s resolutions but I felt the urge to write about them.

I’ve sworn off diets, losing weight, and all things related. I’ve been enjoying eating foods that make me feel good and moving my body in ways that makes me feel good and I don’t need a diet to tell me I won’t be worthy unless I’m a size 4.

I DID start running this past year. However, my knees and ankles became so inflamed it was painful and not enjoyable…My knee also started making a sexy clicking sound that hasn’t stopped even though I stopped running.

My new years’ resolutions are slightly different this year.

  1. Accept myself.
  2. Love myself.
  3. Take care of myself.

That’s it.

I’ve focused so much energy on changing my appearance, trying to fit in in places I don’t belong, or working myself sick. I think it’s about time I focus that energy on myself.  I have already taken steps in this direction. The amount of joy and self confidence I have gained in the weeks since I quit my job are insurmountable.

I don’t have time for bad jobs, bad friends, or bad self-image. This is the only life I have. I deserve to eat the cake (or tiramisu in my case), turn down the paycheck for sanity, and laugh like an idiot with my boyfriend without judgement. I dedicate 2020 and all the years to come — to myself.

I hope this next year brings you all peace and balance.





anxiety · Uncategorized

Does anybody like me?

Artwork by Roy Lichtenstein

Hello again!

One thing that has haunted me these past two years is my lack of friends, and my non-existent ability to make friends.

I had the same group of friends from middle school until college. We were so close and did not leave each other’s side… and now we don’t talk. I’m not blaming them of course. Dealing with mental health can be destructive… you can push people away, be the toxic friend… hide yourself away from the world…

I’ll message them sometimes and I won’t hear a response. I understand they’ve moved on and I should to. But I can’t. I don’t know how to make friends….

Every time I get a new job I get so excited at the possibility of FINALLY making a friend. And it doesn’t happen. I’ll have casual desk buddies I’ll chat with but never someone I actively hang out with or someone who would consider me their friend…

I’m also afraid that someone will read this and be like “oh I guess I’ll be your friend…” no thank you. No pity friendships allowed.

It’s hard to know what’s my anxiety and what’s reality sometimes. From where I’m sitting, it seems like everyone hates me. I annoy them by just existing. I shouldn’t talk too much or laugh too loud. My duty is to blend quietly into the background ,and then, people will like me.

It’s hard to explain and it’s a depressing way to live. I walk through every door thinking everyone hates me. I walk through life questioning if the people close to me actually like me or are just pretending…

One day I’ll know how to make friends. Until that day comes, I will keep trying.

Thanks for listening to my anxious thoughts.



Refresh, restart, re-learn

Artwork by Hello Baby Illustration


My boyfriend asked me a few days ago if I ever write on my blog anymore. I told him I stopped since I deleted my facebook — I wouldn’t get very many views. Since he said that I have not been able to STOP thinking about it.

This blog was so cathartic for an entire year.

I re-read some of my old posts and it made me chuckle. So many things have changed in 2 years. Good things, bad things, heart breaking things.  To ease my way back in to this thing, I will turn to one of my favorite things; lists.

  1. I quit my job. For the past 2 years I have been working with Autistic children providing ABA therapy. I was excited and thrilled to be doing something I wanted to do. I thought once I had an “adult” job, I would feel fulfilled. I didn’t. I slipped back in to a toxic mindset and instead of growing, I felt I was shrinking. I was angry, stressed, bitter and whiny. It was as if I gave up on my mission of mental health advocacy. I became cognizant (does that word really have a z? that looks wrong) of who I was becoming, and I quit… There was obviously SO MUCH MORE than that — but that’s the gist.
  2. I got a dog. I have begged every roommate I’ve ever had for a dog. I begged my dad all 18 years of living with him for a dog. I have wanted nothing more than a dog. And I got one on May 18, 2019. His name is Tucker, he is one years  old, and he doesn’t have a bad bone in his body. He is 100% love with just a dash of anxiety. He has helped my depression so much. I love him.
  3. Screen Shot 2019-12-01 at 5.10.03 PM
  4. I gained  A LOT of weight. I slipped in and out of disordered eating, went to a therapist for body image  and ultimately, gained 50 pounds. My therapist moved away and the 12 hour days at my job were leaving me too exhausted for any sort of self care. My weight gain has negatively affected my mental health and I will probably talk about it a lot.
  5. I’ve lost all my friends. How many old blog posts did I talk about not having friends, then my friends would tell me how upset they were about me saying that? Well, it’s true. I decided to cut toxic people out of my life and did not realize that I myself am a toxic person. I’m slowly working on my own problems and hopefully friends will come along. But honestly, it’s heartbreaking. While I know we all did what was best for ourselves, nothing is a bigger self esteem gut-punch than losing all of your friends. I lay in bed crying sometimes because of how lonely I am, but I will work on it.
  6. I WANT to return to school. I’ve applied to a couple of master’s programs and will hear if I got in by January. I’ve decided I would like to be a therapist focusing on mental health and body image issues with young adults. To do this, I must obtain my masters in social work. Wish me luck!
  7. I’m still learning. I’m still growing. I’m still fucking up. I’m still trying. I may spend my entire life trying, but it will be worth it.

Thanks for being amazing, I love you, dear reader.





Winter Time Sadness


I was trying to be like Lana Del Ray with summertime sadness but if I have to explain it, it clearly didn’t work.

But hello! Long time no talk! I haven’t felt the need, since receiving medication again. But alas. I have returned, and instead of regular depression, it’s seasonal depression.

Now, I feel silly. All my life, since I can remember, I’ve been depressed. I’ve known something was off. But every August when I tried to restart my life and better myself, and every October when my depression was worse than ever, I never realized it was S.A.D.

But honestly, it all makes sense. I’m fine February/March- September. My anti-depressants do their job, I feel human, I can get out of bed. Then all of a sudden, the skies get grey, the days get shorter, and I get so overwhelmingly depressed that I can’t even leave my bed. This was, during college, when my grades would drop, when I’d call out sick from work, and avoided going to class for weeks on end. Currently, it’s making me rethink everything. “Should I quit my job?” “Does anyone like me or are they pretending?” “Do I really want to work in psychology?” The answer is, calm down Hannah, it’s going to be okay, your brain is lying to you.

Now that I know WHY I’m sad, I can try and fight it. I asked on instagram tips and tricks that others use to help them. Many recommended vitamins and other supplements, but then I was told that those can affect my SSRIs. Other’s tried exercise, which if you have depression and have been told this a million times, you know it’s not that easy.

However, I did receive some advice that I’ve been trying to practice. One was to take vitamin C and D. So I’ve been drinking Emergen-C with Vitamin D everyday, which is nice because I work with kids and I need that immune system boost anyways. And the other was some super bright light. I haven’t purchased that because I’m super broke, but I have been making sure I’m not sitting in the dark, like, ever. Lights are always on, windows are open if it’s sunny out, to try and imitate a sunny day. I’ve also tried to do a bit more than sit on my butt and watch TV. Like coloring books, podcasts, audio books, long baths. Anything that’s a little different from my routine.

So far, I feel okay. It’s been a week since I’ve taken these tips into account though so it’s hard to say. I want to try to incorporate exercise into my morning routine now since I’m currently feeling okay, but waking up at 5 is damn near impossible for me.

But that’s whats been going on with me. If anyone has any other tips or tricks they use, I’d love to hear them.


Take care my friends!


A new journey

love yourself

Usually when I start blogging, I can’t stop. So welcome to my second post in a week.

I just got back from my doctor, who by the way is an absolute angel. She gave me such a big hug today and it made me feel so loved. But anyways, she’s putting me back on the same medication I was on, which I anticipated, and I can start taking it on Tuesday when I get paid.

She also asked me about therapy. I have been on the hunt for a therapist for months now. They’re either too expensive and don’t take my insurance, have no availability or simply, don’t want me. I literally had a therapist tell me she didn’t want to see me and it just made me feel weird.

My last therapist was also at the same doctors office, but he made me uncomfortable. When I did my initial session he said, verbatim, ” You are the most depressed individual I have met and I don’t know how you’ve made it this far.” Listen. I don’t know if that was supposed to be inspiring or what, but it made me feel like I was unfixable and I never went back. But my lovely doctor told me they hired another therapist so I could give him a shot.

My main qualm is that it’s a guy. I’ve never truly experienced a male therapist but there’s issues I want to talk about that I’m not sure he’ll be equipped to handle simply because he’s a guy… but I’m probably being sexist.

I want to go to therapy for the obvious suicidal thoughts, anxiety, yadayadayada. But I also want to go to therapy to talk about my problems with food. When I was a kid, I obviously suffered from some sort of eating disorder, despite my size. I’d eat one meal a day, go on the elliptical right after, and then cry and cut myself in my room because I was so fat. When I was in college, I was like “alright, I’m going to do this right.” And ultimately ate less than 1000 calories a day and made sure I burned over 1000 calories in the gym. I kept that up until I fainted at the gym and my dad sent me money to get subway.

Now, (I should clarify, this is not just a now issue, this has been an on off thing. Switching from this to not eating.) I binge eat, and don’t find a way to burn off the calories. My stomach will be so full and bloated and I keep eating. I eat my emotions when I’m sad, I eat too much when we go out.

I tried to take a year, diet free, to love myself. And instead of eating a healthy amount, or starving myself, I went too far the other way. It’s black and white to me and I can’t find a balance without turning it into an eating disorder.

EVERY time I try to get healthy and lose weight, it turns in to an eating disorder.

People have told me my entire life that I’m too fat but have never shown me how to not be fat in a healthy way. Sure I looked a lot healthier when I lost 20 pounds in two weeks, but that’s not healthy either. I want a therapist to help me figure out why I’m doing this. I want a therapist to help me stay on track, ask me about my diet and my workouts. Make sure I’m in a good mind set as I try to get healthy.

I’m not blind, I’m well aware that I’m dangerously overweight. I can feel the affect it has on my body. I just don’t know where to go, or how to go about it in a healthy way. And I’m just worried a male therapist won’t understand. But let’s hope I’m wrong.


Let me know if you have any experience with this and how to break the cycle.



Take 2


Why hello! Long time no talk!

First of all, yes I’ve used that meme before but I used it when I was getting off of medications so it was cheating.

Second, I’m still kind of cheating because I am pretty sure I’m going back on the same medication since it has worked the best for me.

But yes, I’ve decided to get back on anti-depressants after nearly a year and a half of being without them.The first few months without medication were awesome. Was that the left over serotonin working it’s way out of my body so I felt fine? I mean most likely. After that wasn’t necessarily bad, it just wasn’t good. It was very stale, mediocre, hollow…

I haven’t felt sad to the extent that I did when I was in college, thank god, but I’ve still felt sad. And I’ve felt empty. And anxious. So anxious. About absolutely everything.

I did a lot of thinking, listing the pros and cons of being on medication, knowing that the medication won’t fix my problems, but god it will help.And I did try different forms of medication, so to speak, before making this decision. I’ve been taking CBD for anxiety and pain and it kinda helps. I’ve focused on deep breathing and tried to exercise and all that jazz but of course I ended up quitting.

But basically, here was my thought process:

Pros: It helps me sleep, it helps with my chronic pain, instead of feeling empty I feel like a person, it helped me be a healthier person

Cons: The first two weeks suck, it may not work the same this time, price, I feel like I’m in a cloud.

So basically, I thought the pros outweighed the cons. I’m excited to stop feeling like a cardboard cut out of a person. I’m excited to work on my emotional eating and hopefully get back down to a healthier weight (did I mention I gained like 50 pounds in a year like omg that’s not healthy at all). I always look back in the past and see me as a positive person; a glass half full kind of person. And I’m just not now and I miss that. I’ve grown lazy and it’s honestly making me feel worse.

So, my doctors appointment is on Saturday, I have to wait until I get paid to get the medication, so like next Tuesday I believe, and then I’ll be back on this journey. I’ll keep you updated on how I’m feeling this round.


Thanks guys 🙂



What comes next

Hello! I know I haven’t written anything in the past few months but to be completely honest I didn’t think I’d write once a month for a year to begin with so cheers to that! Also, I recently saw Hamilton (humble brag) so the title is indeed from Hamilton.

But I am newly 24. And all I have to say is, people really took the whole “no one likes you when you’re 23” thing a little too seriously. This past year has been trash and I really don’t know how else to describe it. But the best thing about hitting rock bottom, you can only go up.

So here I am. Trying to grow and improve and love and be loved the best I can.

In the past few months I have

  1. started a new job (in my field and actually doing something I want to do AND using my degree)
  2. Learned to be alone, take care of myself and be comfortable in the loneliness.
  3. Learned to cook (I can still only make three things but hey I’m trying)
  4. Stepped outside of my comfort zone and made plans with people I hardly know
  5. Hit one year with my boyfriend (heeey)
  6. Rekindled a relationship with my mother and learned to heal
  7. Went 6 whole months without bleaching my hair to try and learn to love my natural self (it didn’t work, I have a hair appointment in two weeks)
  8. Learned that modifications to make you feel better aren’t wrong or bad in any way.

So. Maybe this past year was a disaster. But god it was a needed disaster because I’m finally growing as a human being and what else could you ask for? I’ve been off of anti-depressants for a year and I feel more alive than I ever have. I try to take one day at a time and be grateful and thankful for everything, but it doesn’t always happen. So here’s to another year of growth, self-love, self-discovery, and hopefully I’ll be able to see Dear Evan Hansen next.


I hope this next year finds you well.